الخميس، 6 مارس 2008

~~ خذ الحكمة من المـــاء ~~

** خـذ الحـكمة من المــاء **

((واسع الصدر))

ألا ترى أنه لا يمـيّـز حين يتسـاقط بين قـصور الأغنياء وأكـواخ الفقراء ..!

بين حدائق الأغنياء وحقول الفقراء ..!

بين بسـمة المتكبر .. وفـرحة البائس ..!

((ليناً كالماء))

يسكب في أوعيـة مختلفة الأشكـال والأحجـام والألـوان فيغـيّر شكله ولكن ..

دون أن يبدّل تركيبه ..!

((نقيّاً كالماء))

ألا ترى أن البحر طاهر مطهر لا يكدّره شيءلو رميت حجراً ..

سيتكدر سطحه لبرهات لكن سـرعان ما سـيعود إلى ما كـان عليه ..!

((حكيماً كالماء))

ألا ترى أنه إذا اشتد الحر تبخّر وانطلق نحـو السماء وحيـن يبرد الجو

ويلطـف يتكاثـف ويـعود إلى الأرض في قطرات المطر ..!

((صبوراً كالماء))

ألا ترى كيـف تندفـع الأمـواج نحو الصخور تارة تلو الأخرى يوماً تلو اليوم ..

أسـبوعا تلو أسبوع و قرناً بعد قرن حتى تترك آثارها في الصخر الأصم ..!

((ودوداً كالماء))

ألا ترى كم هـو لطيف ذلك الندى الذي يظهر كل صباح يداعـب

النبات الخضـراء ويجري بين نسيـم الصباح بخفة ..!

((متواضعاً كالماء))

ألا ترى أنه ينزل من أعالي السمـاء فوق السحاب ويختـبئ في

أعـماق الأرض ..!

إنه معلم حكيم

فكن أنت طالباً نبيـهاً

وتأمل في خلق الله

الخميس، 28 فبراير 2008

MY World


What is this word mean?

M - O - T - H - E - R

"M" is for the million things she gave me,

"O" means only that she's growing old,

"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,

"H" is for her heart of purest gold;

"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,

"R" means right, and right she'll always be,

Put them all together, they spell




A word that means the world to me.

Who is she?

the heart of this life

the candle in the darkness

the weakness in the form of strength

the purity among souls

the kindness and beauty

the sleepless eyes at night

the forgiveness whatever happens

the gift granted from God To my mother .......

whenever I look to my mother, I feel safe, full of beautiful emotion.

flow into my blood and all world is nothing to one pray from her

she is the one fed me from her blood letting me grow up and become

a women , she stay awake long nights to watch and look after mewhen I get sick she didn’t sleep for me, whenever I have a problem.

she always was there for me

when I cry she put my head in her hug

very important question :

What is home without a mother ?

Love you mum,,

×(× Take the Time ×(×

Take time to Love… It is the secret of eternal youth!

Take time to laugh… It is the music of the heart!

Take time to cry… It is the sign of a large heart!

Take time to read… It is the source of knowledge!

Take the time to hear… !It is the power of Intelligence

Take time to think… It is the key of success!

Take time to play…It is the freshness of childhood!

Take time to dream… It is the breath of happiness!

Take time TO LIVE… Because time passes… QUICKLY

And NEVER returns..

Friends & Best Friends

Friend: has never seen you cry

Best friend: has always had the best shoulder to cry on

Friend: never asks for anything to eat or drink

Best friend: opens the fridge and makes herself at home

Friend: asks you to write down your number.

Best friend: they ask you for their number (cuz they can't remember it

Friend: borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back.

Best friend: has a closet full of your stuff

Friend: only knows a few things about you

Best friend: could write a biography on your life story

Friend: will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing

Best friend: will always go with you

What else we can say about best friends??? they are great treasure because their rare these days